abraçadabra abracadaaabraaa 😢
bang bang into the room 😥
don’t bring me to tears when i just did my makeup so nice 😢
said your not in my timezone bet you wanna be 🎶 😥
where art thou why not uponeth me 🎶 😰
say you can’t sleep baby i know 😓
that’s that me espresso 🎶 😰
too bad your ex don’t do it for ya 🎶 😥
abracadabra abracadaaaaaabraaaaaaaaa 😢
i was a d it is what it is 😭
bet your thinking she’s so cooollll 😢
made it out alive but i think i lost it 😓
said that i was fine said it from my cousin remember how i died 🎶 😰
abracadabra abracadaaaabraaaaaa 😓
in my tongue i say death or love tonight 😰