Think dungeons and dragons, but cartoony multiplayer
You can use curseforge with wow which offers a lot of useful addons that make the game simpler to understand
I couldn't get into DnD simply because I feel weird af role playing irl
Casting bars can be edited and macros made to reduce screen clutter
Cataclysm is just one of the expansions of WoW.
That's why it's called Cata classic
MoP is coming to classic in the summer
Sounds like you're talking about burning crudade
Pc is always better than console
>>> And cost less 🤣
Only if you build it yourself
Not everyone builds themselves lol
I paid a techy guy to build mine for me because idk how and didn't want to mess it up, so I paid more for my Nasa quality pc
I'm impatient and didn't want to
I'd rather pay a guy to give me instant gratification
Meh more awesome to just play my dang games lol
And I'm just not interested in building a PC. Just want to use them