Ok if you think so I’m not gonna argue 😎
Me? No I’m up. Just had a shower.
No plans at all today, just chilling 🤗
Ooops 😇
Not much to see where I live
I recommend everyone who likes history to visit the island Gotland.
Gotland is an Island off the East coast of Sweden with a lot of medieval history.
I’m a lot of things but not a pretty sight.
I think the most famous ones are in the Netherlands.
Flower fields in the Netherlands
Gotland has a town called Visby. There’s a lot of ruins there and it’s lovely to just walk around the town.
What if I don’t have a nice personality either? 😎
I’d be a good guide there actually, I lived on the island for 3 years while studying at their university.
Hehe, not making any promises 😬