Well I went to Vegas when I was 18 so yeah that sh!t sucked
I’d take feet over that sh!t anyday
>>> Did you go through a rabbit hole on reddit
I only use Reddit to get my cooking recipes
I learned to cook so I could impress women. Now I just kinda do it for fun
>>> I try to meal plan but i end up Hating wha...
Felt this. Turns out i hate my cooking more than other people
No question home made sandwiches are better than any sandwich place
As his manager I have to tell you his services are not free.
What we doing this new year?
Damn it is cold. I say we all rent a hotel room and bunch up. Play Mario party or something.
Damn it cold outside. I saw we all get a nice hotel room and cuddle up. Play some Mario cart
Available for…what? Because I need a couch moved
I’ve never been so board in my life!
Someone play me in 8 ball