>>> Why should I not stick to those 2 aspects?...
Quran states 97 other aspects. I told you before but your outgoing is taking up all your brain juice to take any incoming addition. Read up on all 99 aspects and then you might begin to understand what a creator is.
Broken radio is stuck on 2 aspects
>>> Are u going to convert this girl into Musl...
It'll be a victory if she can learn to coexist.
>>> And I also told you a perfect god is suppo...
Widen the perspective.
It's very manipulative to try to shame others on children dying. Adults also die and in greater numbers. But manipulators wanna play the shame game on children. War happens. People die. Deal with it
Those who behead are as human as you are. Go place yourargument to them instead of blaming god mate
Unless even all you can do is just to play the blame game on some entity you think won't come harm you.
The faithful need no prove. The unfaithfull won't galet faith even with such proof. So it's pointless
>>> Aisa koi god loving and merciful nhi ho sa...
You unfamiliar with the indian goddess kaali?
I asked of familiarity, not faith
Ok lemme try one more time
We believe our god is fair, because he Is not intervening in this life. Good people will do good, bad people will do bad. He will not intervene and let it all play out
And then based on what one has done in life, wewill be judged, fairly and lovingly. So no point expecting god to come down here personally and save children, mend your frocks order unclog your toilets. A creator operates on different modes than you want them to.
Loving and merciful as well. Which means the eventual punishment for such inhumane deeds will be punished all the more harshly.
But for fairness, I doubt god will be interfering in this world, much as he loves all
>>> Careful bro , u are on a thin edge
I'm quoting Muslim philosophers of old. Nothing on my own.
Divine judgement works differently than morrals can understand, but once it happens people don't doubt it was jusgement
If it's past the line, feel free to go harm those old Muslim philosophers. For me they make sense
I'm talking philosophers of the time when there wasn't even fiqa hanifia or jaafriyah. People like Hassan Basra etc.
Nah, I don't think anyone was threatening. It was a humane dialog