New yourself nigger biatch
I hate black people biatch
Stupid mud possums biatch
He won’t reply because he knows it’s true biatch
Yellow crab you fat bitch boy
You scared huh boy biatch
I have your IP your VPN won’t save you biatch
I know you and know where you are biatch
I’m gonna Doxx you and send botnets after you biatch
Not a rat you autistic fuck LOL
Oddly specific. Is that what you do ? biatch
Bro drinks dog piss biatch
Omw to your house 😈 biatch
Yes you are. Go drink your piss biatch
I already know yours 😈 biatch
Who’s that your boyfriend? biatch
Awww look at these two. What a sweet couple biatch
Bro look at your karma. You literally are the definition of fat. You NEVER get off your phone LOL this is your only form of social interaction biatch
Bro never gets pussy biatch