Bean colored 😭 ok you’re right tho I forgot they’re baked beans
OH I KNEW THAT my apologies m’lady
Pfft like I couldn’t get up there in like 8 hours
You’re right, but when you told me I knew that I knew that information
Idk why I always think you’re in Boston
Oh wtf so my brain wasn’t fooling me somehow
It’s fine I’ll remember from now on 🤧
Beans on toast zooty it’s a British commodity
I’m trying my best not to dump her tea back in the harbor
Cold baked beans with sugar? 😅
My accents aren’t anything impressive anymore Duffington I’m sorry
What even is a zooty booty fr
I’ve forgotten (I haven’t even seen it)
It’s on your backside go learn about it Dr
I’ll read the zooty booty story books to my children
I’m good man just been off the app!