Just finished my gym session. Stopped my watch and deleted the work out in error 😫😫 I hate when I do that.
>>> That means workout didn’t count so you’ve ...
😂😂😂I know 😫😫😂😂😂😂 and I physically couldn't id be dragging a carcass round the gym
>>> What is kb? And good work bro
Maybe PB? Thumb slipped onto the k instead of the p maybe ?
>>> Tips for a 5'1 girl trying to get in gym lmao
Try something you'll like doing. No point doing an exercise you hate as you won't do it. If your gym does classes give them a try. If you want to try weights find a class that does them. Ypu need to find what you'll like. I LOVE weights and dance classes but I can't abide cardio 😅😅