I was gonna take you to the Wet Deck
That’s sounds like a water slide
It’s a great place ans I thought it was the perfect fit for first date.
She planned it with Yen not me
You’re kidding ?! She did ?!
It’s in the past now. Yen messed up.
I still got 2 months to turn this around
At least it sounds gay not cringe af like you. Even by my standards
😠 dude I can’t help it okay I’m just a clown 😔😔 pony will get tired of it
Thats why you need to chill the fack uppppp
I won’t mess things up like you, Yen
You’re an ex crush for a reason
If she’s back with you it means she ain’t loyal
Don’t worry I’ll punch lune
Boohoo 😢 I almost got scared
Tata has to fly to there 😭
You think I can teleport?!
I can fetch you when I am coming back from Maine smh
Don’t lmao 😂 I’ll panic in fear
It is still if you can forgive me
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