For once I agree with sky even if she’s a dumbazz
how am i the dumbass when you spell the word with a double z
Oooooo look who won the spelling competition
It’s actually oh my god not omg
change the off to me thanks
Fr? Finally I don’t have to deal with retards
yes because you’re the main retard cutie
That’s not wot ur grandma told me last night
omg she was in your dreams??? 🥹🥹🥹
Nope I got a spirit medium to being her back to life
did u bring back your mum first
thats unfortunate you’ll be the death of her 😔
Nope she the death of me for giving me that terrible food 😭😭
then u cook lil bish shes not your maid
Actually she is, she’s my slave
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