Hookah is different than smoking. It's like a bong kinda.....
I know people who don't smoke but will partake in hookah because it's just kinda chill and so smooth
There are some amazing flavors and it makes a chill atmosphere and good times fr fr
>>> Hookah is different than smoking. It's lik...
Yeah sure, and vaping isn't bad for u at all, do me a favour, if there is smoke in ur lung's from something that burned, it's not good
I havent smoked a hookah in a long time
Not saying it's good for you but it's definitely fun 😊
And I know what u mean, I did do weed kn a shisha onece
My friends usef to do that
And u can smoke with a group from one point, kinda like tappa's with eating, sharing is caring
It makes it a bit harsh because it gets dry but it's fun because it's like smoking a bong and just chilling. Casually puffing the night away
So u did do it with hasjweed?
It burns easy so it can get harsh if you don't have good coal management
Got to have a strong leader tending to the bowl
I love that so much, just chilling and smoking from one pool of weeds
So maybe hasj would work better?
Wassup bbg take me out to dinner
>>> So maybe hasj would work better?
For sure
>>> Wassup bbg take me out to dinner
Always, come here
Now I can watch YouTube like a real gamer!
Ooooh put the tower on the desk not the carpet
Ooh and play all the 250 free games I claimed from epic over the last 5 years
Hush turkey we’re talking PC
>>> Ooooh put the tower on the desk not the ca...
I have been thinking about that, but my desk isn't to big, I need a corner desk
You’ll end up with a massive desk I guarantee it
I need a bigger space to live in before tho tbf 💀🤣
>>> Ooooh put the tower on the desk not the ca...
Truth you will kill it on the floor
At least put it on a box, but even then it's going to get filthy pulling in the stuff off the floor
I clean the front raster every day, so much dust collect there
So maybe placing it higher do be a smart move
If you need to keep it on the floor get some filters
I could like raise it a few cm, place some wooden block beneath it
Or does it need to be smaller holes?