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📍𝕆𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝔻𝕦𝕕𝕖𝕤

Ah damnit. You have high standards
Gamer geek person 😁 👍
Quackotron 👽🤘
So caring, loving and loyal...is high standards?
>>> Quackotron 👽🤘 Love it 😂
>>> So caring, loving and loyal...is high stan... Its ridiculous
No wonder the divorce rate is higher than the length and width of the earth
>>> No wonder the divorce rate is higher than ... Yeah cos dudes don't put up with bishes not putting out anymore 😁 👍
That is why should never marry 😂
I'd never do it again
I just didn't do it in the first place, skipped that step
But I'll take someone's wife out lmao
Marriage is a scam anyway
I don't need bureaucracy getting involved in my relationships lol
It's a ring n bit of paper fgs lol if that's need to be together then cool I just don't see why lol
Yeah I'd rather be there because I want to be there rather than "well now I have to fill out 5 million forms and lose everything and start off from scratch so I'll just tough it out" lol
Yip I hear ya there lol
🎵so now I'm praying for the end of time
Wow u guys really got traumatized by those women.
Marriage a legal binding contract. If you are to decide it's beneficial to have such a thing, you should both create the terms together, and agree upon them prior, so no one loses if either wants to exit. Stupid to let the general ever changing law to dictate your terms
Poor men 😂😂😂
>>> Wow u guys really got traumatized by those... Parasitical leeches
45 m uk
Please invite ur exes in here so we could have their point and side of the story too
That could be interesting
No wonder there are so many miserably married couples. So much to lose in divorce
Very interesting
Yeah I’m not ready to get f’ed over by the government just got a damn divorce
>>> No wonder there are so many miserably marr... 😂😂😂😂
Just like women get traumatized by some men
>>> Just like women get traumatized by some men Yeah
>>> Wow u guys really got traumatized by those... I came off sounding way more bitter than I am, trust me I'm not, I just don't like paperwork🤣
Many people marry for wrong reasons
That much is true for sure
>>> I came off sounding way more bitter than I... Only cos you are diklegsick 😁👍
Please don't get us discouraged...they're people who r happily married and living the dream of their lives.
Good luck 😎
If u marry the wrong person for a wrong reason...then there sure will be consequences
>>> Good luck 😎 I got my Heavenly Father's blessings already, nothing to do with luck.
Lol it’s always “wrong” people right?
>>> If u marry the wrong person for a wrong re... That's not even really true. I married the wrong person for the wrong reasons, and there were zero consequences for either of us, because we both agreed to uncontested divorce. It comes down to the law. Don't let the law dictate your terms
Funny people with their silly marriage 🤣