Not a hater just telling the truth if people want to take the pussy way out it's on them
>>> I really regret not talking about trump more
Hopefully about how big of a retarded scumbag he is
Smoking should be illegal everywhere it's disgusting
Just a guy speaking the truth
All of it is trash and should definitely be illegal
And I'm saying all smoking should be illegal dumbass
Weed definitely doesn't cure cancer
It doesn't cure it at all
I love talking to morons you people make things interesting
Definitely don't need a therapist
No you can't very selective
Religion is a load of crap anyway
Nah f that anyone believing in religion is a moron
There's so much crap that doesn't make sense in that crap book I just use it as toilet paper
I care that's all that matters to me you don't like it go play in traffic for all I care
I'm the only I care about anyone only my opinions matter to me
I don't play that crap good try though
Nah I'm good not tired and definitely not a kid again good try though
Lol keep thinking you know stuff dude it's funny