Heehee yeah. I actually dozed off for a time and finally woke back up just now
Yeah, I work second shift, so I'll be awake for awhile longer out of habit
Wow, all different time zones here. I do have a couple more 99s to enjoy and going to have them right away
I can relate to that, I don't want Sunday to end either
When I used to work days, I also had a bad habit of being up too late, so you're not the only one
I commute 25 miles one way
It is, but not as bad as some in my town. They travel to Kansas City for work, which is twice as far than Hiawatha Kansas where I work
Yeah. I keep hoping to find a place closer to Hiawatha to shorten the commute, but no luck
Yes it would. My car is a 2000 model and has 275k on it. I'd love for it to last for a long time still
That's what I'm switching to, that or coffee. I'm out of booze now lol
I totally agree. Even though I do like Pepsi or something like that for the chaser
But I also like water by itself when I'm not drinking booze
Speaking for myself, I dodrink lots of water
I'll just share it with you Sweets haha
Same for me when I'm working in the production line
Probably close to that lol
Awesome. I'm pleased to know that
I still like my pop and booze, but I make it a point to drink lots of water too
Lol, sounds like me at times