Most important the kid will master hacking skill too
I will raise a perfect kid for the world
Kratos knows this plan of mine
But I didn't tell him a 🍉 child...I told him I was looking for a man with best seed
Btw Dior kinda angry at me..he said he missed my in the past...but he's disappointed in me every time I talked about looking for hot mansex
U mean bringing me to France?
Damn u ruined my mood writing essay cos of ur interruption
Actually the beginning of Dior hatred towards kratos was when Dior thought that there something sexual between me and kratos
Dior was disappointed in me cos in diors eyes I was very pure and innocent... eventho a troll
Well but the fact that kratos and me are friends kinda hard to believe
We flirt sometimes but our status forever as friends
It started from kratos wanting to fk but I persuaded him to be friends
Kratos easily gets bored seducing women so the heat between us has gone...only sometimes it comes back...but we committed in our friendship
Kratos has fantasies like...he wants to take virginity and he likes being watched by hot woman while doing another some situation where me as the watcher
I think watching him doing another womanwomen is hot
And he has fantasy to fk the hot watcher after he's done with other women
But Dior doesn't understand that the heat is gone when I'm on religious mode
Kratos really respects my religious mode. He can act like an angel too
Kratos also aware that I have fantasy to molest him...he knows I don't like when he becomes cheap...he knows I prefer non consent from him
Again, Dior warned me to be back religious. And I'm glad kratos supports my religious mode. But when will Dior stop thinking bad about kratos? He should know that kratos is really SWEET!
Btw I just woke up from sleep
In my dream my soul met trying to approach me slowly and I liked my heart saying if he proposed me I would say yes...then I met him that dream he always tried to help me...I liked it...and when I said ..I wanted to marry him... suddenly alarm woke me up from sleep annoying...I can't go back to that dream