Isn't it true that in Dubai the majority of people are very rich?
But I don't know the truth either
The weather is a little cloudy today, it looks like it's going to rain
If the weather rains I can't go anywhere
If I had a lot of money, maybe I would be a little comfortable living in the house, but if I was broke, what would I do?
This year I am having difficulties in the economic sector but the previous year was not as difficult as this
Fraud is rampant in our country via social media
I'm not from the Emirates but I'm from Indonesia
These years my country has been controlled by China, President Singing Ping
What is good actually adds to misery as more and more Indonesians enter Indonesia
>>> Xi jinping the communist
Yes, what you say is true, that's why he wants to control my country
Even in the general election, there was a lot of fraud in my country because there was already
This is the one who wants to control our country, Jinping
Hectares of land in our country are almost controlled by Chinese conglomerates
The country of Singapore, which was originally a Muslim region, is now controlled by China and we are worried that Indonesia will also be afraid of being controlled by it
Many Chinese people in our country have become kings and we as native residents are not employed as expected
Until the general election in our country there was a lot of fraud, maybe a lot of funds flowing in were sent from China, maybe maybe he already wants to take over my country.
Body fat is not because you eat a lot
Soon it will be the fasting month