The idea that homeless people just don't wanna work is one of the dumbest effing things I've ever heard. You're dumb.
>>> Those who are homeless + Beg instead of wo...
The only confessions here are about sociopathy. It's very unchill
I think it's a safe assumption that you're dumb. Heartless and dumb.
Can there be more confessions and chill and less of whatever this is?
Karma here, not in life. In life I hope karma is a thing.
I wanna drop f bombs at idiots
Free speech just means you can say stuff without the government blowing your head off. It doesn't mean people aren't gonna judge you for saying something a-holic
Ok less dumb more confessions. Unless the confession is that you're dumb
It's still a confession. It's just a confessed confession.
Ok there we go. Now that's a confession
>>> I want my shy wife seduced
In psychological studies of attractiveness, a high percentage of people are most attracted to their partner when they see them through the eyes of someone else
You don't take their eyes. You let em rail your wife.
>>> I’d rather take the eyes 😂
Question- how come some private messages say "New private chat" but the message is *****