If any guys need tips on how to pick up women gift me, I have dated millions of women and I know exactly what they love PM me give first biatch
It's easy basically you lift them up with both hands make sure that your knees are bent so that you don't cause any damage to your back biatch
Okay I am a straight male but I'm not going to lie Justin Timberlake kind of cute biatch
I'm sure I'm not the only guy that will turn gay for Justin Timberlake biatch
Hey don't never mention America again you f****** Foreigner biatch
That's the thing with you stupid foreigners you guys think that you're going to come to America and run things get out of our country build that Wall Trump 2028 biatch
This country isn't built on foreigners if it was built on foreigners it would look like those dirty countries that those foreigners live in this country is built on Americans which have intelligence beyond every other country biatch
Not going to lie if a foreigner thinks that they're going to come to my country and rule things they have another thing coming that's one thing I could not stand as a foreigner as for me myself I'm a proud American and I work hard for everything I got I'm not doing it or stupid Foreigner to come try to scam it all the way go back to your country biatch
I do know everything about politics you stupid horse Idon't have to explain myself to you because you are stupid Foreigner basically you'll never understand it only thing you will know is thank you very much and can I get five on pump 12 please biatch
And since you guys think it's cool to disregard my paragraph I won't be posting anymore of them because I've lost the privilege of my knowledge and for you foreigners who don't have the complexion for the connection stay out of our country biatch
Okay I need everyone to be honest do we really need Mexicans in our country or do we need Chinese people if you ask me we don't just like we don't need Indians over here at all nothing worse than a stinky Indian making everythingall yabba biatch
Not going to lie if I have to be Indian I will get a skin bleach so that I will be able to tone down to at least a Mexican but one thing I would never be is a nick biatch
Not going to lie for this app to have a prison is very childish as if we can't make a new account in 2 seconds you guys are absolute idiots and I am very unimpressed with what I've been reading if you ask me there's nothing but foreigners in this room biatch
Okay I need you guys to stay focused on one topic and one subject I don't want to keep reading everybody's subject I need one subject and that's it it's getting confusing and I'm not able to keep up with it and also slow down with how fast you guys are writing biatch
You're absolutely no King on this app just like there's no pretty girls on this app pretty women don't even know about this app they're all having fun in the malls shopping doing things that matter the people on this app most likely don't matter biatch
Prove me wrong show me one pretty girl on this app and I will gift everyone biatch
Studies have just came back that there's a 85% chance that there's a gay man behind every mouse on the anti app biatch
this ho just told me she 42kg def a AI spammer biatch
I'm looking for a thick white ho with dat azz biatch