But that was like a week ago
I mean how ueven talk to them
How do you de-radicalize them i guess
Well thats the weird thing
Ive noticed it’s usually Christians that spew that garbage
Idk if youve been paying attentiom but theres a huge push in american christianity for christian nationalism
Yeah i was radicalized by eastern orthodoxy youtubers ngl
I had to unsubscribe from all the Eastern Orthodox stuff cuz i noticed a lot of dark things about it
And it was turning me into something i didnt like
Idk how for me tbh, i watched Jay Dyer and was convinced by a lot of his argumentation tbh
Sounds familiar but im not sure
Getting them out of whatever community they’re in is a good start
Helping them remember who they used to be and their past values works too
And well, i was also depressed by all the hate i saw
So i left so the people kinda have to make their own realization
Yeah, im still Christian, I actually finished the Bible a month or so ago and ive started re-reading