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When you there
Yeah i will 😎
Itll be my first time going to Sinaloa tho
Never been to that state
Itll be my first time seeing a beach 🤣
How are you Sleepy? Are you taking care of that new dog?
I like
>>> How are you Sleepy? Are you taking care of... Not yeeeet haven't heard any updates from my mom
>>> Yeah i will 😎 Yaaay
>>> Itll be my first time seeing a beach 🤣 Ahhhh exciting 🤭🤭🤭
Im used to just seeing Lake Michigan 🤣
How’s everything going Danny🥺
Still rough and no vehicle
Oh Danny
Evening everyone
Good evening john
How’s everything going today?
Not to bad might actually get some hrs of sleep tonight
That’s good😊
How’s your family doing
There good thanks hw about urs
Everyone is doing well, everyone seems to be happy
He was on a motorcycle around our neighborhood as we walked the dogs
Make sure he looks after her
It’s all up to her to make good choices on who she decides to involve in her life
She’s smart enough to leave if not
That’s good then but I’m sure u would be there if he hurt her
Maybe just disappointed if anything goes wrong
Doubt anything else would happen
Yeah I suppose but u seem like the kind of person that would be there to support her
Of course yeah but me and my sisters don’t really bring that type of stuff up and we deal with it well, we get over things that we can’t control pretty well
We are pretty happy due to not worrying about such things too much
How many siblings do you have john?
Best way to be I think the less u worry the better life can be
I always say life is what u make it not what others want you to do
I wish i could get over things that i can't control
The best way to do it I say is always look to ur future never in the past
It’s sometimes good to talk about it with someone that’s not related to u aswell just u can get it off ur mind
Like a therapist if it’s a issue
Yeah if it’s bad of a issue
Hi need a name newbie