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BBerkshire (and southeast) UK

Ok boss I’ll do a good job. And what’s the payment? 😊
I’ll make you a marmite sandwich
If you make it in your underwear we have a deal 😂
Hmm dressing gown?
Desperate now
It’s non negotiable
Hahah ok
Ok I’m on my way 😂
Makesure he does a good job though Sienna
Don’t worry about that, I’ll do a good job
I think he will … I’ll leave him to clean as I go Xmas shopping
What about the sandwich? 😂
Oh it’s in cling film in the fridge help yourself
But wash the plate up when you’re done
Who are you her sidekick? 😂
Why use a plate? I’ll just Hoover up the crumbs
No just observing and dropping sarcastic comments
I know sarcasm is the lowest form of wit
That wasn’t sarcasm 😂
Address please 😅
Isn’t the room title a clue
Morning all
Not getting drawn in to anything
Morning map 💋💋💋
Morning Sienna 😘
Hi 👋
It’s just so quiet
Yeah could be that
Everyone is Christmas shopping 😂
I've ordered my turkey that's it
Hi Jackie
Hi Jackie hi sway
Map change: You don't visit the England room anymore?
There's an England room?
Lol I am pretty sure I saw you there
It always pops up when I log in I don't think I ever posted anything haha
I assumed it auto added people from England
Like the vote and news room whatever that is
They always at the top
Odd....must be another map change haha