I don’t want farm raise anything lol
Especially shrimps yuck 🤮
Literally haha this is the biggest struggle because everything is large portion… like those burgers I froze 2 of them 😂
I bought like10 glass containers and I use them to hold left over and freeze
It’s just hard to cook small portions if you make like real dishes. Everything is sold in like 1 pound haha 🤣
But you can do the meal prep method and eat it more then one time or if you get creative you can use what you made on one day to make a different dish the next day
Like grill some chicken and eat it with some rice and veggie, then next day you can use the left over and make a chicken quesadilla or something.
You created a system that works for you that’s the key haha
Like true Alfredo is a handful of ingredients haha
Like butter and cheese some salt and pasta 🍝
Hahaha 😂 I know all this stuff about tea too 😂
My go to these days is Thai tea that I cold brew and have with coconut milk 🥛
I also love me some matcha latte and green tea 🍵
You should wash the green tea if you do loose leaf takes some the bitter out
I use local honey as my sweetener with matcha powder when I mix to create a foam top it’s a good combo
What’s your ethnicity Lil?
I made a matcha latte and ordered a pizza 😂