I think im going to start a project ive been afraid to do for a while
Im going to build a 6ft tall cosplay hammer
Some people just have crappy cameras, like me lol
I appreciate it! I'm tired asf after pole class so i think i might go to bed sooner rather than later 😪
I just want to be buff so i can beat people 🤣
I remember being in the gym like 3 days ago joking with my sister. With a straight face I said "i wanna be buff so i can beat men" and then we both laughed
and some guy just skedaddled quickly out of our area 😭
I dont want to beat anyone I swear 🤣
Oh no I dont even like him 😭😭😭
I think you got the wrong fish ✨
He looked horrified! I felt so bad lol
>>> Yep! I think I did 😆
all good, now you get to know a cooler fish lol
hopefully I'll run into him again and we can shake hands
( ^ω^)♪♪♪ \(^ω^\ )
Imagine a small girl in a my little pony sweater is like "I WANNA BE BUFF" Lmao it was at least funny!
it was hilarious, but at what C O S T 💀
I'm such a large ball of energy bro idek how i have the people i have right now 😭😭😭 Omfg I could yap forever irl
Oh for sure, I'm usually just saying whats on my mind so either the injustice we inflicted on pigeons or food. Sometimes ideas about clothing
but in a positive way! ✨🥹