>>> I make my own too lol
In that case I'll just purchase it from you 🤝
>>> Awwww you didn’t even see what I make
I'd trust it 😆
Oh I think we'll all enjoy that
That looks divine, like art 👀
Professional price would need to be paid
Is that cake? I'd be all over that
They look great, a good bonding activity for you and your children I'd imagine as well
Swimmings a great activity for them, if that's who you're waiting on
Getting food after? I was always starving after swimming 😂
That's a proper treat, love the healthy aspect too
>>> I have leftovers from yesterday’s Valentin...
Someone should have treated you to an Italian. Glad you still had a nice meal tho
I hear there's a lot of benefits to dark chocolate actually
>>> I never had a Valentine. My ex never cared...
Sounds you're much better off now then. People like that don't deserve your time
>>> Yeah a lazy day is a requirement some time
No doubt 🙏
>>> We’re still ok for the sake of the childre...
Well that's all it needs to be, at least there's an understanding there
Beautiful beautiful women 😍
Oh it's Saturday here, 9pm 😆
Being lazy on a Sunday is mandatory 😂
Come on man, why you gotta make this shi weird