Are you 36? This is a crazy crash out for an old man. You’re self reporting you’ve never slept with women
You’re in this app in search for women but also despise them? That must be a mind fk 😂😭
What? English isn’t your first language evidently, what you’re saying is incomprehensible. Let’s just remember you’re 36 years old and move on 🥴🥴
Why are you speaking as if it’s medieval times? You’re in a NEW YORK chat this isn’t the United kingdom 😂😭
Bc look at how much you talk
He’s rage baiting but he’s terrible at it
The drops pencil after every crash out is killing me 😭😭
You are wrong 🤣 it’s not even close. Keep meat eating 😂😭 you’re a worse baiter than him
That wasn’t even your text?
That wasn’t even your text I was replying
Look back at your mistake
The horse is slow 😂😭 i see why the fish on yo head now
Cause wtf are you talking about
So tell us horsey, who can’t comprehend what they read? Me or you? Ignorant mf
The second one is dead on
I have best friends who are fraternal 😂🥴