I used to work in pediatrics and then I did psych for a bit too
I would sometimes float to peds ER and it was alright but not my fave
OB is typically a happy place until it is not.
I’ve had too many losses when I worked in peds, and the hospital I worked foris a level 1, it was great experience but I just couldn’t do it anymore so I moved on to something different
I really enjoy obstetrics, sometimes I wish I would’ve went the full route to medical school and became an OB-gyn
We all have stories that will forever sit with us 😭 and haunt us
That’s why I have learned to really take it upon myself to cope in healthy ways
Running is one of my fave things to do
I’ll be 28 in June so I wanna smooth into my 30s feeling good 😭
Hahah i like freaky women idk if im necessarily a freak tho
I let them make all the decisions 🤣
I’m excited to go a bit darker w my hair
I’ve been lounging all day 😭
Idk if it’s gonna be warm enough for shorts I’m already cold