Why are his pants so high tho 👀
Customer service face real quick
Guess it’s better that way lol
Who wouldn’t love the blunt force truth lol
Rewatching into the badlands decent show
Help ison the way 👍 ( …later in fact help was not on the way )
Help is on the way ( later in fact help was not on the way )
What’s good wide ? same old same old
Only have died about 7 times on that e-bike I got a few months back
Yeah I was kinda excited kinda lol that was a long wait brother ….sucks my license is a lil bit pricey to get back so this bike works to get me around without the bus
Exactly plus I get a lil cardio trying to dodge these crazy ass snowbirds mixed in with our stupid drivers
Yeah the oven is on preheat it’s coming
You have no idea I mean ngl I don’t ride the safest but that pulling up into the cross walk at lights gets my adrenaline going I mean at a red light stopped and just pull up into the cross walk happens ever time I got out ….rant over 😆
Drive like everyone is out to hit you
But on a bike it’s a lil different lol cars usually win in conflicts of kinetic energy
Wow I missed the bulk of it but yeah biking is different especially e bike cause your at full speed pretty quick and most drivers don’t look for bikes
No shaming here ….hi cherry