That’s a tall ass 9yo lmaoo
I tell my mini she’s only allowed to be 5’2 🥲
Imma cry when she ends up taller than me lmao
Not liking pain doesn’t equal vanilla lmao
I’ve been 5’3 since 5th grade. I used to be taller than all the girls and then I just stopped growing lmao
Rough means pain when your body is broken like mine 😂 but either way, not liking being throw around doesn’t equal vanilla lmao
I wouldn’t change my height, idgaf lmao
Nope. They’re all like that 💀
Yeah idk why I’m still here tbh 💀💀
Chocolate chip pancakes 👌🏻
Damn it feels like old anti in here 🥲
Look closer, those are eyes lmao
Why do they look like Sims characters
I’m in Jersey but I don’t feel like getting up so idk 💀
I kept hearing salt trucks go by earlier like every hour, so I know something was happening lmaooo
My town salts the roads if they even think ice might form. It’s nice, the roads are always clear lol
It’s because I live in a very expensive area, like the taxes here are crazy 💀 but it does have perks, like our roads are always clear lmao
Fine, I’ll strongly dislike it instead