I need a male’s opinion on something
I don’t need to do it out here lol
That’s awkward
Can I say that men are stupid… lol
Not even a little bit.. I’m so confused
Oh of course! Why would an ex reach out like literally years and years later claiming he never understood why we didn’t “go the distance”
It doesn’t even make any sense cause we were just two people who sometimes hooked up…
He always started talking weird when he got drunk….
Like saying things like we should make love until the sun rises…
Who tf talks like that??
Riiiight?!? I don’t understand it…
He said multiple times that i sounded good, more mature, and sexy….. again… not really sure what that’s supposed to mean
I always called him the marathoner… I’d get bored before he wanted to quit lol
Yeahhh…. I just don’t know what to think. He kept me on the phone for like 3 hours…
I’m a quickie kind of girl. Hot and heavy and get right to the point…
No. All the men I end up with are my opposite. They don’t know when to quit…
Yup. I think most females would disagree with me.