You'd think we'd have Aussie lemonade at this, which I doubt is any good, but we don't 😂
It's Mango Loco or nothing for me 😂
We only really get the god forsaken sugar free ones
I'm not drinking energy drinks worrying about how much sugars in them 😂
I never like the after taste of sugar free drinks
Which sucks, cause there's really good ones, but the after taste kills it for me 😂
I'm at the point of the year where I have a couple of minutes to neck it or it becomes warm 😂
I'll fill my ice tray, use it all and forget about it for a year 😂
I only really buy ice when I got camping cause I haven't put a fridge in my ute yet 😂
I swear sometimes I feel like I should just live in my car 😂
We're stuck in Summer, but I'll camp anytime i have time!
Didn't check how many worms I had before I left, not many! On the last one 😭
Poop! Got a fish, was to small to take home and eat though 😂
Two earlier in the night to eat though 😂
So far my favourite I've caught and ate!
Seems to be when I get the most and being a night shift worker it's perfect!
Plus ya know, no crowds! I don't like people 😂