Why did you convert to Islam?
- Rather, say why I do not embrace Islam, for it is the truth, a way of life, it came down from heaven, it is practical and logical, and it has the answer to all questions, and it is your guide in this world, and your rescue on the Day of Resurrection.
Common sense accepts Islam because it accepts goodness and truth, but unfortunately the media distorts Islam
Watch the video on YouTube👇🏻👇🏻
https:youtu.beW-oOHuhwAu4 ,,,
Why did you convert to Islam?
- Rather, say why I do not embrace Islam, for it is the truth, a way of life, it came down from heaven, it is practical and logical, and it has the answer to all questions, and it is your guide in this world, and your rescue on the Day of Resurrection.
Common sense accepts Islam because it accepts goodness and truth, but unfortunately the media distorts Islam
Watch the video on YouTube👇🏻👇🏻
https:youtu.beW-oOHuhwAu4 ،،،،
Why did you convert to Islam?
- Rather, say why I do not embrace Islam, for it is the truth, away of life, it came down from heaven, it is practical and logical, and it has the answer to all questions, and it is your guide in this world, and your rescue on the Day of Resurrection.
Common sense accepts Islam because it accepts goodness and truth, but unfortunately the media distorts Islam
Watch the video on YouTube👇🏻👇🏻
https:youtu.beW-oOHuhwAu4 ،،،
Why did I convert to Islam?
- Rather, say why don't I embrace Islam, for it is the truth, and a way of life, sent down from heaven, and it is practical and logical, and it contains the answer to all questions, and it is your guide in this world, and your salvation on the Day of Judgment.
A sound mind accepts Islam because it accepts goodness and truth, but unfortunately the media distorts Islam