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🇦🇺Up Late Australia

That sounds good
What’s that’s ? Oh whoops.
Was meant to be Morningggggg
haha ... indeed 😂
Hi all
Evening. …
Hi Y’all
What’s doin ? I’m on OT
Pretty quiet chat tonight tbh
Yeah so it seems.
Few people hovering though.
Few lurkers lol
About to crash early shift Tomorrow
Ah. 1.5 hrs to go ….
1.5hrs to go til I get up for work
45 min to go until I leave work 🤣
Wow still going
Yeah bro, 4pm start 4am finish
I used to play that game
Yeah it's not fun thats for sure
No I used to babysit naughty adults
Sometimes you would have to watch them overnight 3or 4 nights in a row I hatred night shifts. Especially when they dragged out
Were you a warden or just a guard? Max security?
A guard yeah long time ago now
It was high security yes
God what crazy stories you'd have
I definitely saw a few crazy things that’s for sure
Any you're keen to share?
Well I had a guy bite a part of his forearm and spit it at me
Had plenty of offers to smuggle stuff in but never did it f that
God damn that's intense
Yeah it’s pretty fun some days you are just running from unit to unit wrestling crims
Spraying them with pepper spray if they look like assaulting you
Hi B hru? 🥰
Tired…. So tired You
Hope you all had a great weekend
So tired has a massive weekend but it’s all over now
Evening all. How is everyone?
Evening Aussies up late
Mondayitis ……. lol
I know right