Goodnight and sweet dreams 💚 🫶 🫂
Goodnight and sweet dreams 🫶🫂💚🙏
Goodnight and sweet dreams 🫂🫶💚
Goodnight and sweetdreams 💚🫂🫶
Momma won't be around long. Wasn't given a time frame. But it's not looking good
Sorry.. I'm sure yall could care less. Sometimes when I talk in here It's just to get things out. Especially when I have no where else to turn
Sorry I haven’t checked in a while. I hope she makes it 😭 🫂
Always here for you sunny 🫂
Goodnight and sweet dreams 🫶💚🫂
Goodnight and sweet dreams 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫶🫶🫶🫶💚💚💚💚
Going up to visit mama. She had a decent day yesterday, and is having a decent day today.
🙏praying for more good days
Goodnight and sweet dreams 🫂🫂🫶🫶💚💚
Goodnight and sweet dreams 💚 🫶 🫂
Even tho her vitals were good and she's now out of ICU, she was so depressed and down today
Sending momma some love❤️
>>> Sending momma some love❤️
Thank you 💚
Good night and sweet dreams 💚 🫶 🫂
Goodnight and sweet dreams 🫂🫶💚
Goodnight and sweet dreams 🫂🫶💚
Good night and sweet dreams 💚 🫶 🫂
I saw you on the clock app, I watched your vids, I was laughing so hard. Made me miss you more razz. 💚🫶🫂
Goodnight and sweet dreams🫂🫶💚
For the record I haven't posted anything since 2019 lol
I noticed lol It was still funny
Goodnight and sweet dreams 🫂🫶💚