Looking for a fun female RP Partner for my Kinky Fantasies.❤️💕😈.
Romantic fantasy rp message me
Rp ideas ( cnc, bdsm, teased, dru**ed, taken advantage of etc )
- spy gets caught
- first time trying we*d
- hitchhiker
- park ranger
- tricked by older brothers friends
- home alone
- bad taxi
- used by friends dad
- lost on vacation
- first college party
No limits gangbang role plays pm me daddy x
Tired of low effort role players? Then you found the right person (:.
Don’t PM me with ‘RP’ or ‘Hey’. I wont respond to that.
—> Please be detailed, long messages are required.
—> tell me when you have to go, don’t randomly leave!
—> don’t rush (to sex), build up the roleplay & be romantic!
—> use correct grammar, things like ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ pisses me off!
Hit me up in my PM’S and we’ll work some roles out. (FEMALES!)
RP ideas 🥰
-Shoplifter caught
-dr*nk & lost at a concert
- first time trying w*ed
- bad taxi innocent passenger
- tricked by older brothers friends
- dr*gged by friends dad
- innocent and used hitchhiker
( love cnc , to be tricked , groped, sneakily dr*gged, light bdsm etc )🥰🥰
Romantic fantasy rp message me
pm me for a DETAILED rp. Girl serving drinks at a office poker night Inmate and officer Cheerleader stoping behind to help the coach Hitchhiker Cosplay convention Magic school
Tired of low effort role players? Then you found the right person (:.
Don’t PM me with ‘RP’ or ‘Hey’. I wont respond to that.
—> Please be detailed, long messages are required.
—> tell me when you have to go, don’t randomly leave!
—> don’t rush (to sex), build up the roleplay & be romantic!
—> use correct grammar, things like ‘u’ instead of ‘you’ pisses me off!
Hit me up in PM’s I am sure we can work out lovely roles!🥰 (FEMALES!)
Cos play convention It’s the first day of a large convention revolving around video games and pop culture I’m with a few of my friends all of us walking around in cos play that we are showing off (pic available ), you are going around taking pics of the girls in their outfits and trying to convince them to join a special competition
Looking for females that want to rp, long term, little to no limits. I have a few ideas in mind but am open to hearing yours too.
Hey! Looking for a roleplay partner! Hoping to be able to play male and someone to play female if possible! Visuals required but not personal ones! I’ve got quite a few different ideas Messsge if interested 🙂
No limits Blackmail role plays pm me
It’s the first day of a large convention revolving around video games and pop culture I’m with a few of my friends all of us walking around in cos play that we are showing off (pic available ), you are going around taking pics of the girls in their outfits and trying to convince them to join a special competition
( was thinking you getting girls involved in a naughty competition around the convention like doing public things or humiliating them selfs to earn points )
Any do real life not rp? How it go?
pm me for a DETAILED rp. Girl serving drinks at a office poker night ,Bodyguard ,Inmate and officer ,Cheerleader stoping behind to help the coach ,Hitchhiker ,Cosplay convention, adult cruise
Any ladies wanna roleplay any of these message me
Wifesons best friend
Wifedaughter’s boyfriend
Wifehusbands best friend
Wifestranger hookup
Wifeyour best friend’s husband