we mourning an unhealthy lifestyle rn, have a candle 🕯️
Would you say you’re… crabby?
People really change a lot between 80-85, if they not 86 no dix
average hotel experience 🤣
If they’re not weird they’re not fun 🤷♂️😂
They’re funny, you just cope differently
Yeah, then I’d say you cope poorly too
Had to Google that since Americans think everyone is American and know what they’re talking about
Bunch of sad sacks complaining about being judged whilst actively judging EVERYONE
Suicide is selfish. If you wanna act selfishly then prepare to be called selfish.
Some people don’t have time to be sad all their lives over someone else’s actions they could never control. Some people find laughing easier than crying all day like you guys.
Because I don’t have dead kids or a dead ex or anything, I don’t understand and “I don’t know you” so I guess my point is invalid huh
It’s their mom, you don’t know them either. All the chances you demand from others, you don’t give to them. You’re unlikable. Hence your problems. I gave you a perfectly valid possibility. They’re mad that their mom selfishly abandoned them, and instead of crying all day like you two, she’s laughing about the one thing she has left to laugh about. You are insufferable I stg.
So stop echoing you “why why why” and just accept that the world is f**ked, and that one girl making jokes isn’t the one who f**ked it.
It takes no balls to keep going.
Lots of people drag themselves to a job, eat their processed slop, and fall asleep alone for their entire lives
Says the person wasting their life away on a chat app. You act like your life doesn’t have any give or leeway when clearlyit does.
Like, oh poor you, your parents sucked and it seems to be genetic. What do you want me to do about that? Just be miserable for you with you?
That’s what I’m trying to explain. Someone will joke about some things to cope, others won’t