So what’s everyone up to?
Mine definitely better be empty
Well you better start explaining lol
Ash that’s how u get them huh 😂
Ash I thought u were going to sleep?
Ooh ok u got my bed made and ready huh?
Sounds good I’ll have breakfast cooked when I get home I’ll wake u up when it’s all done and bring it to u
Might need a back rub ash when I get home
Pretty sure I do when I work 27 days on a rig and off 7 and score 80 hrs a week I’d say I can ask ask for a back rub
I’m a rigger so I work all those hours buddy your not in the same line if you saying ya hardly work those hours
Hell nah I don’t debate with a male he’s butt hurt cause I asked u for a back rub lol does he want to rub my back lol
Is he mad cause I didn’t ask him