I need to step outta Merica cause ion see that here
I know that’s why I need to step outta Merica , maybe learn more
But mayo on fries I can’t I’m sorry I tried that a Mayo taste weird by itself
Like Rocky Mountain oysters
I walked into the wrong room
Nope rabbit is good , I tried squirrel , chicken of the trees
Lamb , goat , caribou, moose
Now see I live in Alaska so a good portion of my food is home caught but some foods that aren’t here I do have to get shipped here
Shipped meat doesn’t taste nearly as good as fresh caught
But I work with what I got
Pigs don’t sweat and use mud to cool off , I’ll pass
Anything pork related way too salty
Normally I leave groups I join just cause but I kinda like it here I’ll be back later ima go just join random rooms
Appreciate you take care yall