Truth: biggest fear
Dare: show us your shirt
You might be fearing rejection instead of women themselves
Lol sorry. Handling rejection can be trained though. There was a guy who tried to get someone to tell him no every day for a month or something to help him get over his fear of rejection
He'd make wild requests at restaurants and what not. He claimed it got easier each day
>>> I think he struggled with being an introve...
Yep that's it. He was trying to get rejected on purpose to train himself. He was always nice about it of course
I'm down to play in the room if anyonewants to
Truth: last thing you ate
Dare: show what's in front of you
Oh lol. I'm not hip to the new slang
I don't have any rad outfits, I dress like a slob lol
I'm down to play if anyone wants to
Truth: last thing you ate?