>>> Yep. My ex and I broke up not because we a...
Sometimes it's just not meant to be
I was given a good tip by someone. It's called the Cactus chat. Whenever one person in the relationship wants to talk or discuss something they put a cactus plant on the kitchen counter. And this lets the other person no they have something on their mind
Relationships are hard work
>>> Whatever you decide, I will understand And...
Is this a song?
>>> When I get asked what’s wrong, I type essa...
Maybe ask him if he wants to send it in a message. Some guys find it hard to express themselves
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
>>> This isn’t me, but my arm looks exactly li...
I don't see anything wrong with that arm
Wulf don't be so hard on yourself
I used to have a six pack but now it's covered in a layer of fat
>>> Wish I could fall asleep like that.
Should drink some more
Slow down you going to hurt yourself. 😂
>>> Are you not entertainedddd - gladiator
>>> I fall asleep anywhere, anytime
Same here
>>> Ugh nor am I. Bloody IT as a kid. Thanks MNET
>>> Hey all.
Welcome back