lol fr. I’m willing to bet he saw I was black and assumed I was a criminal and he was gonna make an easy arrest
My grandparents are from the south so they taught us how to deal with the cops out here and not get shot
Salty as hell I got this twelve hour shift
I had to ask my supervisor if I could use my own gun holster and not the company issued one
The one from the company keeps sliding up and pointing the gun at me
It is and I’m not taking any chances
They aren’t supposed to let you use your own equipment, but my supervisor said he’s gonna let me because that’s the safety hazard
And I like theposter I have because it’s a level three holster. The company issued one is only a level two.
My level three holster gives more safety features. If I get in a fight with this holster, all they have to do is push the giant button and they can get my gun.
But with my level three holster, it’s not that easy
Ima switch the holsters out when I get home