I couldn’t imaging abusing your child hoping to save yourself
Yeah it’s unimaginable to me, I feel other peoples pain
And it’s what helps me feel so connected to people
They must not have that connected at all when everything is so insincere and a facade
I’m glad you’re saying it!!!!
I saw someone say that for the time time on TikTok
That IS the goal of the narcissist
I swear once I moved out from her home, 80% of my mental health issues were gone in 2 years
Now that 20% is still a LOT but wow, they really make you sick
I totally believe there’s a spiritual element to it
How can so many narcissists act the exact same way? Have the same mannerisms, the same stare, the same “I never said that” phrases
It is literally so dark and spooky
Yeah you’re absolutely right. The real trauma is what’s left behind after.
I love how much you know about this! The jealousy oh my gosh, unfathomable.
Enjoying humiliating your child? It’s evil
Exactly. It felt like my options were either stay and be abused or leave and be abandoned
This is so weird to me! How do you wrap your head around this concept? I try to understand but it’s so hard for me to imagine
Exactly there is never accountability
That’s what she does. She never said that, that didn’t happen etc.
Omg that just brought up a memory! Dark but almost fascinating how distorted their thinking is
Exactly, they never remember! That selective memory is so childlike
I’m glad theywere able to support you.
No it’s not normal at all, I always knew it wasn’t but the worse symptoms of narc abuse in my opinion, is the way the gaslighting can prevent you from speaking your truth
I do feel like there is a demonic element to it
Mine actually also had a compulsion to control so be honest she actually has some sociopathic tendencies