i just heard way too much racism and woman hating and homophobia ): i didn't wanna keep hanging out with them
my grandfather from back home served in the chair force
>>> You'll hear that in any group, anywhere. I...
very true
>>> my grandfather from back home served in th...
joking by the way ☝🏻
it seems those are the loudest ones around me. but then again I'm in rural farmland
lol what's the nasty girls
i love learning new stuff
Tony, I'm sorry if my disagreements with you earlier came off as a personal attack or an oversimplified exaggeration. i should have phrased my contrasted views in a more civil manner. i respect you and i apologize.
it's very difficult times politically in this country no matter which side you may feel more aligned with
frightening time in our history just speaking about the polarization alone
i think it's best those are discussions we avoid most likely