>>> I got prison for makin fun of a dude who w...
I told a guy monday that i wish abortion was legal so he wouldnt been born because he was making fun of overweight women and nothing happened
>>> I said in one gc to the mod "youre no alph...
Whats bannable about this lol
>>> Daisy’s den that’s cute
It sounds great haha
>>> Get up, have a coffee and work😌
You seem to comfy its a shame you have to get up haha
Im good, chilling before sleep, how about you?
Definitely a nice thing to see after doing one of my final exams for uni bella
You look always gorgeous Bella haha
>>> Mattyyyy☺
Sorry Bella i wasnt paying much attention to the phone at all, didnt mean to ignore you haha
>>> How's ur weekend everyone?
Stressful xd but okayish?
Haha i finally could find a hour or so to chill
Hey hell, everythings ok?