>>> Coming 😰
I cant dm you ):
>>> Why isn’t there yet a pill to make us sele...
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 😭
A movie that has this exact plot 😢
Life sucks i just wanted a girl to pamper and be all lovey dovey 😓
>>> Can I get an advise here? 👀 😥
Ofc what do u need friend
>>> Thanks.. well anyway, what to do of your b...
Block her I guess. It has nothing to do with you. Your bf has to deal with it 😰
>>> ..she wants her husband back "for the sake...
Thats their problem not yours. Ask your bf to stand up and solve things with her 😢
>>> He's been talking to her, she said she don...
Then they're gonna need a lawyer to put things in order. She cant bother you nor him to do anything you both dont want 😢
>>> ay he just needs to block and ignore tbh i...
I dont think so cause he does have kids with the woman. They gonna need to keep contact at some point. But not toxic like that 😥
>>> Yea. They should consider that now 😭
Tell him about it, best of luck to you friend
Shes ghosting me now life is awful 😭