A book about animals is a fab choice for fuzzy brain tbh
The being such a beautiful boy, I think he's earned the right tbh lol
Milk, the next tap dancing sensation
What's the game, find the sausage?
If I was asleep I might get the sack lol
No chance of quitting, this is a gold mine
Making money doing not much is even better
Nah just closed minded men soz
Looks like someone photoshopped his head off really badly
He literally looks like the main characters familiar from some anime
Like I'm waiting for him to staré at the camera and make an exasperated face
No fam, you're the main character and he's your familiar 😋
Actually, the idea of milk being the main character and sauntering through life carefree, eating out of bins, rolling in mud, splashing in muddy puddles. Meanwhile a frantic and defeated little El chases after him
That'd make for a wicked mini series
We just didn't disagree 😬