I confess I’d like to meet someone but at the same time I don’t.
I don’t know 🤣 I want in some way to protect my energy but also dream for love and meaningful connection
Also I like to smoke weed and it seems that’s off putting to so many
I mean I just find food to be more tasty and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a salad or a burger
I created this lamp and it feels so soothing
Anti is such a strange place
Do you guys keep it as a secret app?
So guys do you confess to using this app like a dirty little secret,
How do you deal with the notifications?
My karma is too low to create a wall now
I need a boyfriend that is an engineer hahha
Because I’ve seen every single one of my girlfriends that their partner is an engineer, they always take care of things. Natural problem solvers
Hahaa like idk, sales people will just weasel out of any kind of problem by talking 🥴🤣
🤣🤣🤣 women having babies is not the same lol
Hahaha imagine a mob lord that’s one scary life for sure
Haha we have a whole drama going on
People peeing in their own mouth even 🤣🤣
I this something that men like?
Ever thought of reaching out?
I always had this crush with someone I met in Uni, he even visited me in my country and in hindsight he had always been interested but I think I didn’t go for it because I was afraid he was gonna reject me