I wanted a mossberg Shockwave, but they're banned in my state now
Why useless for home defense? They're nice and compact for a shotgun
I mean, that's what I would have it for though. I'm not a hunter.
What is that at the top? A katana??
>>> Trying to find a room that I feel comforta...
>>> I really wanna take my own life
Come visit me first, then. I'll give you the attention you want.
>>> I've tried a couple times
With those guns?? You must be a terrible shot
>>> I've spent a night or two with one in my m...
Pff not me. I've been indifferent to death before. Even would rather prefer it at times. But never wanted to off myself
>>> Israel is a fake country
What makes a country fake?
>>> Probably the apartheid part
Apartheid was in south Africa. Also, completely unrelated to what makes a country real
I think you don't know the definition of apartheid or fact
>>> I’m me.
That explains it. 🤣
>>> No wonder Hades was smitten with her
Yeah he loves the emo bihhs
Fact: Palestine isn't a country
It's a middle east gray-area. A neighborhood. No sovereign government
Politics are temporary. But Wu-Tang is forever
I know. No one cares about fact