Oh believe it. All the 3 letter agencies are always up to something.
What did you watch? What was it about?
I know they are still doing the MKultra stuff. No questions about that. They just want to see what the public will accept and what they wont. The most recent was the UFOs and aliens.
It really was. They have no limits or boundaries. They outted one of their own with that. Got him high and pushed out a window. Like wow. Talk about brotherhood. Doesnt stand with them.
Wouldnt want to work for a place like that. Would suck to be a scientist lol
Like hey, I uncovered this really cool thing. Next thing you know they are missing. MIA. Like damn. Poor guy was just doing his job.
Isnt that called collateral damage?
They like compensate the families and stuff just to do whatever it is they do?
I know the agent orange thing they did with their own soldiers was fkd. Those poor fellows
Every 50 years they reclassify select project
Thatll be a big one cause a lot of people want to know what actually happened.
Everyone knows the story they tell us isnt true. Theres so much speculation around those stories
Its terrible what happened to them. Sounds like they were great people. Just reminds me of people like issac kappy and paul walker. Chris bennington and so on and so forth. All good souls who didnt need to loose their lives
Yeah, I got to go to sleep. I am tired
Usually this chat is poppin off.