My hubby tried. Thatz y inleft
Yea things r leveling out now
Got a better job. And a raise.
Raise dont show till next weeks check tho
The struggle has been real
I have peace. Not much else but i love my peace
I think i attracted something dark to the forest with a relic i got when i worked at the thrift store but handleing that
It waz that. The lightz wierd cuz its under a sun lamp we have for our plants
Like every time i took it out qierd stuff would happen
Then last time i took it out, that night it sounded ike something was trying to open my bedroo. window from the inside to let something that was scratching around outside
Yea. They are cool. Why i got it. But when i saged it they turned to a reddish tinge from white wood
I gifted it to someone who.could understand it better
I have a lot of wierd stuff with energy. But that was bringing too much bad so it had to go