>>> I am ur dog here
Did U ever get to see Ur kids. He's the daddy biatch
>>> Don't leave me biatch
If anyone left U it would be for dead
>>> I’m about to diddy yall biatch
With Ur tiny cock
>>> I'm not afraid ok diddy biatch
Diddy has her tampon in toxiplssmosis
>>> I don't have to use tampons biatch
Ur Welsh heritage, sheep
>>> Fk ya'll biatch
Y'all having the time of his life. Not so much William shoot at will
>>> It's night here biatch
Ur gorgeous in the dark
>>> Poor sad biatch
Don't put urself down. U can throw urself into a skip
>>> Skip is out biatch
Pizza hut it is then.
>>> Then stoo biatch
I was 11 when I was your age. Look at U now
>>> Yeah look at me biatch
From space
>>> Please I'll send you to mars biatch
Ur family hate me.i met them outside the skip
>>> They should release the Easter stickers wh...
You should shoot urself in the face biatch
>>> I haven't took my Christmas decorations do...
U wearing them for a funeral biatch
>>> Your funeral biatch
Out wedding only happens if you get dressed
>>> Funny I needed to laugh biatch
Your dressing gown burst open and the mirror laughed
>>> I love laughing biatch
Take care. Night